Golden Eagle Nesting Atlas

 Survey Method for Golden Eagle Occupancy

Julie Heath, Professor, Boise State University, Co-PI
Raptor biologist, project planning and management, result dissemination, technology transfer

Donna Delparte Associate Professor, Idaho State University, Co-PI
Expertise in UAS remote sensing, remote pilot, image processing, GIS

Emma Gregory, Idaho State University, MSGIS Graduate
GIS and remote sensing, UAS image processing and flight planning/operations

Caitlin Davis, Project Manager and Biologist, Boise State University
Project management and logistics, on-the-ground monitoring

Mike Griffel, Idaho State University, PhD Candidate
Data analytics, remote sensing, GIS

Image processing: Matthew Belt (ISU)

Pilots and visual observers: Steven Balkenbush (ISU), Josh Lingbloom (ISU), Porter Dance (ISU)

Project Partners:
Charles Baun, Conservation Branch Manager, Idaho Army National Guard
Land management and conservation
Joseph Weldon, Wildlife Biologist, NCA BLM
Land management and conservation need
Mike Bishop, Unmanned Aerial Systems Lead, NCA BLM
UAS remote sensing and land management